Umejaribu Online? And 8 Other Things People Ask You When Unemployed
It’s not a secret that unemployment rates have skyrocketed in Kenya in recent times to almost 10%, meaning, that close to 2 million people are struggling to make ends meet.

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The highest proportion of the unemployed has remained between ages 20, 24, 25 and 29 with unemployment rates of 22.8 and 21.7 per cent.
So in short, at least everyone knows one or two people without a job.

But as much as the economy can be tough on the unemployed, a lot of people don’t know how to respond when someone mentions that they are job hunting.
In most cases, many just fire random questions without necessarily looking at helping.
Here are some annoying things unemployed people normally get hit with during conversations:

1. Have you tried checking online?
It’s one of the most annoying questions you can get in this time and age. The first stopover for anyone looking for a job is normally online.
2. What do you do all day?
The answer they anticipate from this question is normally Netflix-related. Many expect you to say that you have been reduced to a potato couch now that you are no longer spending your 9-5 in an office.

3. So how are you surviving?
Most people are just curious to know how you are getting by. In fact, a majority ask this question not to help you but rather just to calm their curiosity.
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4. Why do you think you’re not getting any jobs?
If I knew the answer to that, don’t you think I’d have one by now? It’s constructive to consider what’s not working in an individual’s interviews, but this goes back to focusing on the negativity: it helps nobody.

5. Have you tried following up on your prospects
It’s rare to even receive a rejection notice after an interview, let alone be told why another candidate was preferable to you. Plus it’s not like you apply for two jobs and relax waiting for an interview. Most people send dozens of emails in quest for a job. Therefore following up can be a nightmare.
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6. How Long Have You Been Looking for a Job?”
When you’ve just started the job search, this question isn’t too tricky to answer. But when you’ve been looking for (what feels like) forever, it can feel like the other person is judging you. Whether that’s true or not, try gracefully deflecting the question.

7. Don’t worry, you are not alone
Even though the unemployment rate is high, don’t try and make someone feel better by telling them there are a million others like him. It doesn’t help the situation.
8. Stop being picky
Many people easy conclude that the reason why you are jobless is because you want a certain job and saying no to the majority. In reality, you are trying night and day to land just about any job that matches your skills and experience.
While unemployment numbers are still high, there are many things you can do to better yourself and move forward. While new skills to aid your job hung might seem out of reach, there are plenty of free ways to get ahead, online and off.