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Things You Should Never Say In A Salary Negotiation In Kenya

Navigating a salary negotiation in Kenya requires finesse and tact. While certain phrases can bolster your bargaining position, others can inadvertently undermine your efforts.

Mastering the art of salary negotiation in Kenya requires careful consideration of the phrases you use. Kenya has faced challenges with unemployment rates in recent years meaning, your negotiation skills should be sharper if you want to stand out and beat the competition.

Here are some key phrases to steer clear of during a salary negotiation in Kenya:

  1. “I’ll take anything”: Expressing desperation or willingness to accept any offer can weaken your position. It signals to the employer that you may not value your skills and can be easily taken advantage of. Instead, emphasize your worth and the value you bring to the role.
  2. “My current salary is X”: Revealing your current salary prematurely can limit your ability to negotiate a higher offer. In Kenya, employers may use this information to anchor their offer around your current earnings rather than the market value of the position. Focus on the value you bring to the table and research the industry standard for your role.
  3. “I need this job”: While enthusiasm for the role is important, expressing desperation can give the employer leverage to offer a lower salary. Maintain a confident demeanor and convey your interest in the opportunity while emphasizing your qualifications and achievements.
  4. “I’m not sure what I’m worth”: Lack of confidence in your own value can undermine your negotiation position. Conduct thorough research on salary ranges for similar positions in the industry and leverage this information to justify your desired salary.

  5. “I’m not comfortable discussing salary”: Avoiding the topic of salary altogether can leave you at a disadvantage. Instead, prepare to discuss your salary expectations confidently and professionally. Be ready to justify your desired salary based on your skills, experience, and the market value of the role.
  6. “I’m willing to negotiate later”: Delaying negotiation can result in missed opportunities to secure a favorable salary. Clearly communicate your expectations upfront and be prepared to engage in constructive dialogue to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
  7. “I have other offers on the table”: While it’s important to convey your value as a candidate, using other job offers as leverage can backfire if you’re not genuinely considering them. Employers may view this as a tactic rather than a sincere interest in the role. Instead, focus on the value you can bring to their organization and why you’re the best candidate for the position.

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